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Diet Advice

Choosing the best diet for your cat or kitten is the cornerstone of good health.

No individual food is perfect for all cats.  Diet choices depend on age, lifestyle and overall health.

The cat also must want to eat the food.

With pet food labels look for an AAFCO Statement.  This is the American Association of Feed Control Officers.   The minimum nutritional requirements for pets are established by this organization.

Once a diet is chosen, the most important step is to feed an appropriate amount of food.  This is also based on age, lifestyle and overall health.

To calculate your pet’s calories needs:

Determine their weight in kilograms.  This is done by dividing their weight in pounds by 2.2.

Next multiply the weight in kgs x 30.

Then add 70 to the above number.

For example, if your cat is 10 pounds it is 4.5 kgs

4.5 kgs x 30 plus 70=206 calories.

The terms calories and kilocalories are used interchangeably.  For all practical purposes they mean the same thing.

Pet food labels do include the amount of kilocalories on their label.  Confusingly though, they will put kcalsME/kg.  What you want to look for is kcals/can or kcals/cup.

Once you have determined your pet’s calories or kilocalories (these terms are used interchangeably)/day.  Then calculate the portion of a measuring cup to give or the amount of a can to give.

If your pet is overweight decrease the calories by 10-15%.  If your pet is pregnant, lactating or a growing kitten increase the calories by 10-15 %.

If you have questions we are here to help.