With proper care, it’s not unusual for an indoor cat to live 16 years or more. Many veterinarians consider a cat between 9-10 years old to be a “senior”. A…
Cat Care
One of the best things you can do for your pet is keep them healthy. Keep up with cat vaccinations at Benicia Cat Clinic with our wellness programs. Located in Benicia, CA, call us today!
Urinating outside the litter box is a common feline behavior problem which if not resolved, can ruin a cat’s relationship with its owner and can lead ultimately, to banishment to…
Cats are strict meateaters (carnivores), so foraging on plant material has no nutritional value for them. It is probably done to stimulate the vomiting reflex as a means to get…
As you know, most cats, being both playful and predatory in nature, love to play with string. Although this can be a fun way for us to interact with them,…
Can cats catch a cold from a human? Are there any diseases that humans can get from their cats? As far as strep throat goes, it is actually the human…